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Arrhythmia (Аритмия) / 2017

Режиссер: Boris Khlebnikov

URL: http://hdkinorip.ru/smotret-online/aritmiya-film-2017

Oleg is a young ambulance doctor, who gives all his strength to work. Katya is also a doctor, but he works in the hospital's emergency Department. They have been married for several years, but the Union is in danger of collapse. After a family dinner, where Oleg and Katya's parents have another conflict, Katya decides to offer her husband a divorce.

In addition, problems begin at work. The new head of the ambulance station is interested only in good reporting and actively implements official strict standards of work of teams with patients. Oleg continues to work with patients "humanely", doing everything to preserve their lives and risking the loss of their profession, while trying not to let the relationship with Katya finally collapse.
TypeAdult, Adult
GenreDrama, Melodramas
CountryRussia, Russia
Added bymigaz ®

Rating: (5.0) Votes: 2 Opinions: 2

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April 4, 2018 09:05
Понравилась игра актёров, всех.
April 3, 2018 05:04
Проблемы нашей медицины показали через срез нескольких дней жизни молодого врача скорой помощи. И вся наша действительность и безысходность - как на ладони.
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