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Novaya Zemlya (Новая Земля) / 2008

Режиссер: Aleksandr Melnik

URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1234435/

2013, alternative reality. Around the world abolished the death penalty, and why prisons are overcrowded. More and more funds are required for life imprisonment. International organizations decide to conduct an experiment to separate criminals from society. Russia provides an uninhabited island in the Arctic circle, where settling a small settlement and provides all the necessities of life. There the first test batch of prisoners from Russia (206 people) who agreed to take part in ambiguous experiment is taken out. In this test batch turns out to be the film's protagonist — Ivan G. Zhilin (K. Lavronenko).....
TypeAdult, Adult
GenreCrime/Gangster, Drama
CountryRussia, Russia
Added bymigaz ®

Rating: (4.0) Votes: 1 Opinions: 1

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March 24, 2018 05:21
Много неприятных сцен насилия. Если к такому приводит т.н.толерантность и милосердие, я против них. Каждому - по заслугам. А не потому, что этот каждый выступил против системы. И да, надежда и смысл - дают силу духа и тела в самых безнадежных ситуациях.
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