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Norweg (Норвег) / 2015

Режиссер: Alena Zvantsova

URL: https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/norveg-2015-841936/

Like snow on the head of the Muscovite Kirillova falls manual cleaning Agency "Anastasia", consisting entirely of migrants-Asian women. The situation is complicated by the fact that Kirillov plans to leave for Norway and is waiting for a bride — a typical European woman with very rigid notions of freedom and tolerance. The idea that she learns about the exploitation of the "women of the East" horrifies him and makes him Dodge in every possible way, hiding "harem"...
TypeAdult, Family
GenreMelodramas, Melodramas
CountryRussia, Russia
Added bymigaz ®

Rating: (5.0) Votes: 1 Opinions: 1

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March 16, 2018 06:13
Палитра русских характеров. Изломанное сознание. Мусор в голове обывателя. И чистота сохранившихся в наши времена, редких, не потерявших стержень людей. Их мало, но они есть. Они рядом. Понравилась фраза иностранки: "Про кого писал Достоевский? Вы - не такие..."
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