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En man som heter Ove (Sweden) (Вторая жизнь Уве (Швеция)) / 2015

Режиссер: Hannes Holm

URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4080728/

Uwe - old corrosive grumpy, annoying neighbors eternal nagging. He flies into a rage at the sight of the abandoned not to litter or illegally parked car. Lies worth a frivolous family of settlers, in which dad and drive a nail can not. But Uwe does it all. In the house and in the garage he's always in perfect order. As and in mind. Here is only why him a pistol or a hook in ceiling, or a handful of sleeping pills? Perhaps the answer to this question could have a cat that is not prone to sentimentality Uwe was not able to drive...
TypeFamily, Family
GenreDrama, Drama
Added bymigaz ®

Rating: (5.0) Votes: 1 Opinions: 1

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March 16, 2018 06:13
Бывает, что нарочитая грубость или раздражение - это маска, за которой скрывается нежность, любовь и безутешное горе. Великолепная работа Рольфа Лассгорда (здесь открыла его для себя впервые). Молодого Уве сыграл Филип Берг... ансамбль блестящих актеров подобран великолепно.
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