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The Dressmaker (Месть от кутюр (Портниха)) / 2015

Режиссер: Jocelyn Moorhouse

URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2910904/

The action takes place in 1951 in a small Australian town. Once here there is a person, immediately attracting everyone's attention. This is Tilly Dunnage, who many years ago was accused of the death of a classmate and sent to a children's boarding school. And now, after many years spent in Europe where she studied art dressmaker, Tilly returns home to take care of a half-mad old lady-mother. Very soon she manages to showcase their talents and receive orders from almost all residents of the town. However, what she really came here for is the need to understand what happened many years ago and who is to blame for what happened...
TypeAdult, Adult
GenreDrama, Drama
CountryAustralia, Australia
Added bymigaz ®

Rating: (4.0) Votes: 1 Opinions: 1

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March 16, 2018 06:13
Среди жарких пыльных пейзажей вдруг возникают роскошные элегантные умопомрачительно меняющие образ женщины силуэты моды времен после второй мировой.....Восторг! Ужасно жаль, что любовь с трагическим завершением отрезка жизни портнихи.... адеюсь, даже уверена, она ещё найдет своё безмятежное женское счастье. Уж очень много драм она пережила с раннего детства....
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