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The Marigold Hotel. The settlement proceeds (Отель «Мэриголд». Заселение продолжается) / 2015

Режиссер: John Madden

URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2555736/

Eight months after the events in the first part of the movie, Sonny, along with his assistant Mrs. Donnelly decides to open a second hotel. To obtain the investment they appeal to the American company, which, after hearing their plan, promised to send in the "marigold" of the inspector. But the simultaneous appearance of two new guests stopping to understand who of them is the inspector and who is just a guest.
GenreAdventure, Melodramas
CountryGreat Britain, USA
Added bymigaz ®

Rating: (4.0) Votes: 1 Opinions: 1

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March 10, 2018 05:10
В продолжении появляется Ричард Гир, пара новых любовных линий, много песен и танцев, и даже детективная линия, которая оказывается ложной....
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