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La maison du bonheur (Дом со скидкой) / 2006

Режиссер: Danny Boone

URL: http://hdrezka.ag/films/comedy/5319-dom-so-skidkoy.html

"Bargain house" (La maison du bonheur) - easy and instructive French Comedy. Buying anything at a discount, have you ever had a feeling that you are trying to deceive, to cheat? Yes? But the film's protagonist did not notice the trick. Charles is confident that it is economical and practical, not squandering money on all sorts of stuff. But his wife, Anna thinks otherwise. She thinks of her husband a redneck and a miser. Even buying a gift on the anniversary failed to hide from him. And he became so, found a job in the Department of arrears. After the 15th anniversary of the wedding of Charles decides to change and make a surprise favorite, the dream of her lifetime - a country house. But, unfortunately, people do not tend so quickly to change, therefore, the property he acquires at a discount. Cunning realtor insists on an inexpensive repair, provides experienced craftsmen. However, the avaricious pays twice. Workers bungle, resulting in a would-be buyer is deep in debt and had to sell the apartment. Leaves and Anna.
To get your wife back and wasted the means to punish speculators Charles remains nothing how to start to change yourself.
Added bymigaz ®

Rating: (4.0) Votes: 1 Opinions: 1

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March 10, 2018 05:10
Комедия положений, надо помнить, что все закончится хорошо, поэтому не нужно нервничать, когда герой поступает по-идиотски.
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