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The Postman's White Nights (Белые ночи почтальона Алексея Тряпицына) / 2014

The film represents life in a godforsaken Russian village. The only way to reach the mainland is to cross the lake by boat and a postman became the only connection with the outside world. A reserved community has been set up here. Despite the modern technologies and a spaceport nearby the people of the village live the way they would in the Neolithic Era. There is neither government nor social services or jobs. The postman's beloved woman escapes the village life and moves to the city. Postman's outboard engine gets stolen and he can no longer deliver mail. His normal pattern of life is disrupted. The postman makes a decision to leave for the city too but returns before long with no certain reason. The script is based on real characters' stories. People from the village play their own parts in the film. The search for the protagonist lasted for over a year.
Length (min.)90
DirectorAndrei Konchalovsky
Script writerAndrei Konchalovsky
StarringAleksey Tryapitsyn, Irina Ermolova
Added byNaya ®

Rating: (4.5) Votes: 4 Opinions: 3

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May 3, 2018 01:00
По сравнению с Левиафаном - совершенная чепуха. А то, что всего одна актриса, - в Асе Клячиной и в Курочке Рябе было примерно так же...
May 2, 2018 12:27
И как Мастеру удалось снять фильм с одной профессиональной актрисой?!
February 9, 2015 13:32
(5) Naya
Фильм чем-то перекликается с "Левиафаном": на фоне величия русской природы жизнь маленького человека, сведенная до сюрреалистично- безпросветного терпения. Кончаловский- большой мастер
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