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Harris Joanne

Blackberry wine (Ежевичное вино) / 2009

The book relies on Harris' typical split-narrative technique, and follows two separate timelines, one set in present-day France, one set in Yorkshire twenty years ago, during a pivotal time in the protagonist's life. Unusually, the US and the UK versions of this book are significantly different, with the US version written entirely in the third person, but the UK version (which precedes it) written from the somewhat whimsical point of view of a bottle of vintage wine.
AuthorHarris Joanne
GenreDrama, Folklore
Added byNatDave ®

Rating: (5.0) Votes: 2 Opinions: 1

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October 19, 2013 12:05
Интереснейшее исследование глубин человеческой души. Адская смесь драмы и фентези, такая же сумасшедшая. как и все то, что происходит на страницах романа... назвать ее прозу женской язык не поворачивается.
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