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Pullman Philip

The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials, Book 2) (Чудесный нож) / 1997

The intrepid young Lyra has passed through a shimmering portal in the sky and finds herself in a beautiful, haunted otherworld — Cittagazze, where soul-eating Specters stalk the streets and wingbeats of distant angels sound against the sky. But she is not without allies: twelve-year-old Will Parry, fleeing for his life after taking another's, has also stumbled into this strange new realm.

On a perilous journey from world to world, Lyra and Will uncover a deadly secret: anobject of extraordinary and devastating power. With every step, they move closer to an even greater threat—and the shattering truth of their own destiny.

AuthorPullman Philip
GenreScience Fiction, Tale
Added byAlik25 ®

Rating: (5.0) Votes: 2 Opinions: 2

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January 8, 2008 07:27
Название по-русски звучит, как Чудесный нож. Но менее интересной книга от этого не становится:) Читать всем!
June 13, 2007 21:46
(5) Alik25
Продолжение Трилогии, вторая часть. Так же интересно, так же неожиданно, так же впечатляет.
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