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Anchor Liberty Ale (Anchor Liberty Ale) / 2006

San Francisko's Anchor brewery is famous for Steam beer, but the company has several other renowned brews. Among them is Liberty Ale, inspired by England bitter ales and first produced in 1975 as a commemorative brew to mark Paul Revere's 1775 ride to warn the American revolutionaries that the British were coming; thus started the War of Independence. Liberty was brought back as one year's Holiday Ale, and became a regular brew in 1983. It is hugely aromatic, though its bouquet is complex and rounded. The body is surprisingly light, but smooth and oily. The palate develops cleansing, appetizing, gin-like, lemon-rig flavors, and the finish is as dry a Martini cocktail.
Beer bird.
A beer commemorating liberty from colonial rule might well display the American eagle.
Type of beerAle
BreweryAnchor brewery
Alcohol by volume (%)6.1
Recommended serving temperature (Celsius)10
Brewery siteAnchor Brewery site
Flavors and visual quailitisIt is hugely aromatic, though its bouquet is complex and rounded. The body is surprisingly light, but smooth and oily. The palate develops cleansing, appetizing, gin-like, lemon-rig flavors, and the finish is as dry a Martini cocktail.
SourceM. Jackson \"Greet Beer Guide\"
Added byA_Rafi ®

Rating: (4.5) Votes: 2 Opinions: 2

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December 18, 2006 20:45
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October 8, 2006 00:57
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