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среда, апрель 3, 2002


aвтор: By Sevinj Heydarova Azernews C


The Alternative Zukkov Nobel Foundation has allotted $40 million for establishment of a national park in lieu of the Aggol preserve.

German experts in cooperation with the Azerbaijan Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources has developed a program to set up a network of national parks, according to minister for ecology Hussein Baghirov. Under the program, the reserve situated in Agjabadi and Beylagan provinces will be expanded to 16-17,000 hectares, the minister said in a recent meeting of experts of the Zukkov Foundation with journalists and NGOs at the Ministry.

According to German expert Hatmurd Miller, the preserve has a number of problems to be settled, namely construction of a water reservoir, replacement of the operational equipment, improvement of personnel and management. The Aggol and Gyzylagaj preserves were included in the list of water-swamp lands by UNESCO in 2001.

The Azerbaijan government is currently considering opportunities of getting Japanese grant for the establishment of the "Shahdag" national park in lieu of the Altiagaj and Ismayilli preserves.

German experts claim Azerbaijan has a unique bio-diversity in Europe, with over a fifth of the world's endangered species dwelling in the country. But, the local public hasn't yet realized what wealth the country has, Mr. Baghirov concluded.


A two-day workshop as part of the Ecotox project to save seals was held in Baku late March, according to a competent source. The workshop followed the completion of the first stage of the two and a half year long project.

According to the experts, a total of 3000 dead seals were thrown ashore in 2000 and seals are no more seen at the Caspian seaside.

Caspian waters are very much polluted. Besides, seals have experienced stress resulting from seismic prospecting, President of the Animal Protection Society Azer Garayev said.

Ecotox is being implemented by the WB with financial support from the Japanese Trust Foundation.


The 17th special meeting of the Commission for Caspian Bio-resources opened in Baku Friday, as the agenda contained inclusion of Iran in the commission, completion of the agreement on preserving and utilizing Caspian resources, development of joint measures to combat poaching and principles of defining quota for sturgeon catching.

Addressing the representatives from the five littoral states, minister for ecology and natural resources Hussein Baghirov called for outlining a common policy for using Caspian bio-resources. The participants agreed on joint combat against Caspian problems.

The Iranian representatives rejected to enter the commission, claiming some of its regulations are incomplete, while Russian envoys recommended that Iran enter the commission for its own good.

Then, the meeting proceeded behind closed doors. The meeting will continue Saturday.


By Rovshan Novruzov Azernews Contributor

"Ojag" humanitarian association in cooperation with the municipality of Kapaz District of Ganja, local NGOs, media, the Center for Hygiene and Epidemics with financial support from the Caucasus Regional Ecological Center held a seminar on social assistance to ecological enlightenment of the population in the district, purification of territories and environmental protection.

Participants in the seminar noted contamination of the city, the increased number of street dogs, rodents and insects spreading infectious diseases and other developments that badly affect the ecology of this ancient Azeri city.

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