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суббота, июнь 1, 2002

Azeri scientists show high scientific potential


The 6th International Congress "Energy. Ecology, Economy" which started in Baku on May 30 has drawn an end after over 250 reports, especially by Azeri scientists and specialists, were made in the sections "Energy savings. Revival of alternative energy sources", "Ecological issues of transportation and oil and gas exploration", "Ecology of the Caspian", "Ecological monitoring", "Protection and rational use of water resources", "Ecologically friendly technologies and processes" and "Ecological aspects of medicine".

According to scientists from Britain, France, Denmark, Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries, Azeri scientists demonstrated high scientific potential, especially on the ecology of the Caspian, problems of extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons and space researches.

Section meetings were held at the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, bp and the Ministry of Automobile Transport.

The chiefs of the sections will meet to ratify the resolution of the congress on June 3, President of the International Academy of Ecology and Energy (IAEE) Fagan Aliyev told AssA-Irada Saturday.

The congress was organized by the IAEE with support from bp, Exxon Mobil and LUKoil.*

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