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Все записи | Междунаpодные оpганизации
суббота, апрель 6, 2002

Libyan Islamic Call Society in Baku


Representatives from the International Islamic Call Society are currently in Baku. Leading the delegation of 5 to deliver humanitarian aid to refugees and IDPs, hospitals and orphanages, Dr. Abdussalam Suwais held a conference at the Libyan embassy in Baku.

Mr. Suwais said his organization s an NGO and was established 30 years ago on the instruction of the Libyan Revolutionary Committee. The society aims to render assistance to the disadvantaged. It is active in Asian and African countries, assisting people living under hard conditions in America, Europe and Austrailia. The society provides both step-by-step and regular aid and organizes medical teams, as well as batches of foodstuffs and clothing for Africa and Asia, Muslims in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Pakistan, and India. Secondary assistance envisions construction of hospitals, clinics, schools, and mosques.

The society provided its first humanitarian aid to Azerbaijan in 1997 for uprooted people and orphans. The delegates then visited a tent town in Bilasuvar, as well as children asylums and hospitals in Surakhany and Khatai districts of Baku.

"I was struck by the tolerance, patience and hospitality of people that lost their homes 9 years. I got closely familiarized with the Azerbaijan people and who knows this nation well can't but love it", Dr. Suwais said.

The delegation was expected to leave Azerbaijan Saturday. It has already held meetings with vice-premier, chairman of the State Customs Committee Ali Hasanov and chairman of the Caucasus Clerical Board Allahshukur Pashazadeh.*

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