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суббота, апрель 6, 2002

Poliomyelitis vaccines for all children


All Azeri children under 4 will have to be vaccinated against poliomyelitis on the proposal of the World Health Organization (WHO), a source from the Ministry of Public Health reported Saturday. Children who have been vaccinated once will be re-vaccinated. The first stage of the immunization lasted from April 1 to 6. The second stage will be underway from April 29 to May 4.

This urgent vaccination came following the reports of wild poliovirus in Georgia, the source said. Since there is permanent migration between Georgia and Azerbaijan, especially between those living on frontier lines, the possibility of virus infection in Azerbaijan is still a good chance.

There have been no reports of poliomyelitis in Azerbaijan since 1995. The vaccines were delivered to Azerbaijan by UNICEF for free injection.*

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