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Женька и Ждун
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четверг, март 28, 2002

13,000 drug addicts registered


A meeting of the State Commission on Drug Prevention and Trafficking was held at the Cabinet of Ministers Thursday. Presiding the meeting was vice-premier, chairman of the State Commission Ali Hassanov.

The gathering focused on preclusion of drug smuggling, combat against drug addiction and narcotic business and issues of treating drug addicts.

A member of the commission, deputy commander of frontier troops Asif Jabrayilov touched upon prevention of drug transition. According to him, the incomplete protection of borders with Georgia and Armenia, as well as of the territory in Upper Garabagh make Azerbaijan vulnerable for drug transition. 13,000 drug addicts were registered in Azerbaijan last year and 1163 people were registered with dispensary, head drug doctor Araz Aliguliyev said.

The commission approved a work plan envisioning strengthening borders, improving technical supply of customs departments, intensifying propaganda and luring funds by international financial entities.*

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