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четверг, январь 10, 2002

BP mulls mitigation measures


bp held a consultation on the impact of seismic prospecting on the ichthyo-fauna of the Caspian Thursday as part of the seismic surveys on the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli fields.

Bp co-director Faig Askerov told the consultation that the company plans to conduct seismic researches in the contract areas of ACG and Shah Daniz fields.

Richard Seaborn from a bp contracting company presented technologies and methods of conducting seismic work. According to him, seismic operations are held in the water depth of 110-480 meters in the ACG contract area and 40-640 meters on Shah Daniz. But, it is a well-known fact that no disturbances of the seabed can be documented underneath 50 meters in water, he said.

The participants representing scientific circles and the public stressed the necessity of registering seasonal activity of fish and conducting seismic work in summer or winter and underscored the adverse impact of pneumatic guns on fish, their spawns and sea plankton. As to seals, they sail away from seismic work areas in self defense.

The consultation centered on ways of mitigating adverse impacts on the Sea’s ichthyo-fauna.*

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