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пятница, ноябрь 16, 2001

Infection risk threatening


A hostile epizootic situation that fosters the spread of plaque and other acute infectious diseases is being observed in Azerbaijan, it was announced at a roundtable at the UN resource center organized by the initiative group of the “Mammal scientists of Azerbaijan” NGO.

Researches alongside the Baku-Supsa pipeline from Sangachal to Georgia have detected the impoverishment of small animals and widespread populations of rodents.

According to the anti-plaque service of Azerbaijan, hotbeds of plaque and other epizootic diseases are often found in the Kur and Araz region. Epizootic plaque microbes have been reported in Absheron, Gobustan, Bozchel, Bozdagh, and Ganja-Gazakh region since 1953. A neutral zone stretching some 500 meters between the Armenian-Azeri frontline has long turned into a breeding ground for rodents carrying dangerous germs.

The participants of the roundtable stressed the necessity of taking the matter to the limelight of the Azeri authorities following the massive death cases of rodents over the past few years. Plaque germs were found in mice in Khojavand this year.

Research and prophylactics operations badly need funds, and it is not reasonable to rely on the kindness of nature, it was underscored during the gathering.*

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