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суббота, октябрь 27, 2001

bp to prevent flora, fauna disappearance in Sangachal


A presentation ceremony of the Environmental and Socio-economic impact assessment of early construction operations aimed at enhancing the Sangachal terminal was held in Baku Friday, as bp forwarded a work program toward reducing environmental impact. It has been ascertained that there can be 33 potential environmental impacts, 14 of which can turn out to be serious.

It is believed that the upper layer of the soil will be lost on an area of 147 hectares, which will lead to the disappearance of all vegetation on the entire plot. Consequently, it will be impossible to salvage the diverse fauna, a considerable portion of which (the spur-backed turtles, Pterocles orientalis and Falko naumanni) has been included into the Azerbaijan, International and European Red Books, in a new environment.

bp is going to provide complete guarantee for a minimal environmental impact throughout the operations. One of the ways for so doing is through replacing the habitat of animals by means of revitalizing the partially affected soil and mastering deserted lands.

These ecological programs are planned for inclusion into the bp-prepared general concept of biological diversity in the future. According to the concept, bp is engaged in supporting the bio-diversity plans at local, national and regional levels. In the foreseeable future this concept will become a part of the General Plan for the Caspian region.*

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