10 июнь
© Leshinski
Все записи | Социальная жизнь
среда, октябрь 17, 2001

Information technologies to help poverty reduction


A roundtable, "Information technologies and fight against poverty", organized by the UNDP Baku office and the Ministry of Education, was held at the Western University Wednesday. Reporting on the role information technologies play in poverty reduction and the development of Internet in Azerbaijan were UNDP expert Urkhan Alakbarov and director of Baku Scientific and Education Center Tofiq Babayev. Attending the gathering were economists, post graduates, masters, and students.

The roundtable was dedicated to the International Poverty Combat Day, as it was stressed that some 1.2 billion people live from hand to mouth on the globe. According to experts, the figure should be cut twice by 2015 and information technologies are expected to play a key role in the progress.*

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