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вторник, октябрь 9, 2001

Azerbaijan’s ecological atlas compiled


NGO Ecores has compiled an ecological atlas of Azerbaijan with financial support from ISAR Azerbaijan. The atlas depicts sources of pollution in the region, pinpoints those responsible and ways of resolving the problems, says Mehdi Aliyev, project coordinator for training of ecological volunteers. He was speaking Tuesday to a two-day workshop at the UN Resource Center Tuesday.

The atlas represents an update of the ecological status of soil in the wake of its contamination with oil, pesticides, radioactive substances, metals, solid wastes, etc. The map divides the country in five ecological regions: the Caucasus Minor, Lankaran-Astara, Kur-Araz, the Great Caucasus, and Nakhchivan.

It also contains maps of forests, preserves, restricted areas, refugee-populated territories, as well as the military and ecological status of the Armenian-held territories of Azerbaijan.

The workshop, attended by representatives of NGOs, international organizations and journalists, provided some guidance as to the use of the atlas.

The workshop is expected to complete Wednesday.*

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