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четверг, октябрь 4, 2001

Plant purified off mercury


A part of the project on purification of the Sumgayit chlorine plant off mercury and other toxic wastes and construction of a burial ground has been completed and geological, mapping and archaeological work carried out, a source from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources said Thursday. Over 200,000 tons of cuttings (toxic wastes) and some 100 tons of mercury have been removed from the plant.

A tender for construction of a 50-hectare burial ground in Pirekashkul, 15 km away from Sumgayit, will be announced in November. The WB is expected to provide $8.1 million to fund the project.

After the purification is completely over, the "AzerKimya" state concern intends to produce chlorine here in cooperation with Japanese companies.*

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