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пятница, сентябрь 21, 2001

Demographic concepts, analysis methods to be studied in Baku


UN Population Fund (UNFPA) jointly with the Azerbaijan government will hold a workshop on “The Techniques of Demographic Analysis” in Baku on September 24-29, 2001.

The workshop will aim at examining the main demographic concepts and methods of demographic analysis currently applied in international practice and represent an example of multilateral collaboration involving UNFPA, the Azerbaijan government, non-governmental organizations, and the Institute of Population Studies of Hacettepe University, Turkey.

Representatives from the State Statistical Committee, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Ministry of Health, and non-governmental organizations are expected to participate in the workshop which is believed to be a progressive and fruitful continuation of UNFPA’s prior active collaboration with these and other counterparts within the framework of the joint programs and projects. The participation of the experts from Hacettepe University’s Institute of Population Studies in this joint training undertaking would allow for a dynamic exchange of expertise between international and local specialists and provide a valuable opportunity for all the participants to gain a deeper insight into conceptual frameworks and practical applications pertaining to modern demography. The conduct of this seminar is expected to lay groundwork for an expanded development of similar events in the future.

The “Techniques of Demographic Analysis” workshop will take place in Park Hyatt’s Amirov Room with the opening ceremony scheduled for Monday, September 24th, at 10.00 am. The ceremony will be attended by the representatives of UN-System organizations, the State Statistical Committee, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic.*

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