13 июнь
Картины на стене в Малаге
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суббота, декабрь 8, 2007

2008 announced Year of Heydar Aliyev in Kyrgyzstan


2008 has been announced the Year of Heydar Aliyev in Kyrgyzstan. Events on studying late Azerbaijani president’s political heritage will be held in other Turkic states as well, said Nusrat Mammadov, chairman of the Public Fund for Support to Turkic States’ Policy.

He said that a recently published calendar for 2008 with photos depicting Aliyev’s life and activities will be presented during the second conference “The role of political leaders in development of Turkic states in the 20th century” to be held in Almaty on December 12. The publication will be distributed in all Turkic states free of charge.

Heydar Aliyev passed away on 12 December 2003. The Mayor’s Office of Baku will organize a series of commemorative events in the capital city on the occasion of the national leader’s death anniversary.*

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