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вторник, ноябрь 27, 2007

Several military school officials sacked over brawl - report


Deputy head and several officers of the High Military School after Heydar Aliyev have been sacked.

The dismissals are linked with the October 9 clash between scores of school cadets and rank-and-file citizens near the Ahmadli subway station in Baku, according to www.milаz.info website.

The dismissed persons include the principal’s deputy in charge of disciplinary affairs, Col. Ilgar Khanahmadov, and a battalion commander. Khanahmadov was succeeded by Col. Aydin Eyyubov, who had previously acted as deputy commander of an army unit.

The brawl reportedly started after four students of the Military School pestered a girl passing by. Two civilian athletes rushed to her defense. A fight flared up, after which the cadets returned to the school to get help and came back with more supporters. The police and prompt response groups were pulled to the site. The law enforcers demanded that order be restored, but the cadets did not obey. Two police officers were heavily wounded in the ensuing confrontation.*

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