01 июнь
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четверг, ноябрь 8, 2007

Number of Peace Corps volunteers in Azerbaijan to rise


The number of Peace Cops Volunteers working in Azerbaijan will increase in 2008, its Director Ronald Tshetter said.

The Peace Corps, which was founded in 1961 by US President John Kennedy, has volunteers in 74 countries throughout the world. 181 Volunteers of the Peace Corps, which came to Azerbaijan in 2003 at the invitation of late President Heydar Aliyev, have worked in the country so far. 85 Volunteers are currently working within projects on teaching of English, community economic development and youth development.

Tshetter told a news conference on the outcomes of his visit to Azerbaijan said that agreement on increasing the number of Peace Corps Volunteers in Azerbaijan was reached during his meeting with President Ilham Aliyev on Monday. He said that in accordance with a two-year plan, the number of Peace Corps Volunteers would reach 120 in 2008.

“We elaborated the President on our experience in other countries where we are carrying out large-scale activities. We can also implement in Azerbaijan projects on propaganda and organization of healthy lifestyle, agriculture and ecological education. Our primary goal is to bring technical knowledge in any field to Azerbaijan, introduce new Americans to Azerbaijan, establish friendly relations as well as propagandize Azerbaijan in the United States,” he said.*

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