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пятница, апрель 1, 2005

Washington committed to expanding strategic ties


Occupation by any state of another country’s land is illegal, Deputy Commander of the US European Command, General Charles Wald said in a meeting with Azerbaijani Defense Minister, Colonel-General Safar Abiyev on Friday.

The US General noted that Washginton intends to increase attention to the conflict, saying that its resolution by diplomatic means would benefit both sides.

Minister Abiyev said Azerbaijan gives preference to peace talks for the conflict settlement. Armenia holds on to its occupation claims, thus prolonging the resolution process. The international community tends to create conditions for Armenia to strengthen its positions in the occupied territories, the Minister said.

Wald said he is satisfied with the US-Azeri military cooperation, saying that Washington aspires to further expand its strategic ties with Azerbaijan.

“I hope Azerbaijan’s relations with US, NATO and western countries will develop rapidly. In this case, the country will be able to live through the most complex period in its history without loss.”*

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