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суббота, май 22, 2004

WB project manager to visit Baku


The World Bank (WB) “Public health reform” project manager Enis Baris is expected to visit Azerbaijan on May 23.

WB Baku office said on Friday that during the visit to last till May 29 Baris will become familiar with the course of the project’s implementation and meet with Health Ministry officials.

The $5 million project has been implemented in Azerbaijan since June 2001 and is scheduled to complete by the end of 2004. Its objective is to step up first aid medical services in Azerbaijani regions and to realize the public health reform in Azerbaijan by means of training Health Ministry workers.

In 1995, the loan portfolio approved by the WB on Azerbaijan includes several projects estimated at a total of $600 million.

As reported earlier, the WB is currently financing 14 projects estimated at a total of $336 million in the country.*

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