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пятница, октябрь 24, 2003

Int’l exhibition & conference on hemophilia due


An international exhibition of medicine used in treatment for hemophilia will be held at the Grand Hotel Europe of Baku on October 28.

Well-known US, Swedish, Chinese, and Italian companies specialized in manufacturing medicine will exhibit their products in the show.

Gulnara Huseynova, head of the National Association of the Hemophilia-affected People, told AssA-Irada that it was planned to organize an international conference, “Ways for Removing Hemophilia in Azerbaijan: Treatment and International Experience”, with participation of renowned European and CIS scientists and specialists involved in this sphere on October 29.

There are over 1,500 hemophilia-affected people in Azerbaijan. Thus far, tens of children have died of the disease, which is especially observed in boys, as appropriate treatment has not been conducted.*

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