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Журнал "Литературный Азербайджан"

Literary Azerbaijan, a monthly Russian-language literary, social and political journal published by the Azerbaijan Writers’ Society, began publication in 1931 in Baku but ceased production during the period of 1941-1952. The journal offers the translated works of Azeri poets, novelists and playwrights with special focus on the works of mother-tongue-Russian writers who live in Azerbaijan. The journal covers foreign authors as well. For instance, the last few years have seen the broad presentation of Finnish poetry and prose, which has become available for publishing owing to translator Tahira Jaffarova. Literary Azerbaijan is also a source of special information on Azerbaijani cultural history as it provides essays on theatre, painting, music, architecture and sculpture and presents portraits of the most outstanding figures of modern Azerbaijani art. Issues of literature translation and contacts with foreign writers, especially those of Russia and other former USSR republics, are covered by the journal as well.

The issues of the period after Azerbaijan gained independence tend to review the majority of key principles of Soviet literature study and discuss artificial and excessively politicised critical evaluations characteristic to the latter. The journal has served to make the works of such brilliant modern Azerbaijani writers as Ismayil Shikhly, Isa Husseynov, Akram Ilisly, Anar Elchin, Ramiz Rovshan, Afag Masoud, Sarah Nasirova and Chingiz Husseynov available to Russian-speaking readers. Also, the works of such most talented mother-tongue-Russian writers as Maksoud Ibrahimbekov, Rustam Ibrahimbekov, Natig Rasoulzadeh, Chingiz Abdullayev and Anar Asimov have been introduced to the reader.

Because of the unstable political and social situation in Azerbaijan for the last several years the journal hasn’t been released on a steady periodical basis and has encountered a significant decrease in circulation. However, since 1998 governmental support has provide an opportunity for the journal to restore regular publication and increase its circulation. This support comes from a realisation of the importance of the Russian language as a means for the propagation of Azerbaijani cultural achievements and broadening the journal’s coverage to include politics, the economy and ecological problems encountered by the country.

The journal has been edited by novelists Imran Kasumov and Ivan Tretiakov for the period from 1953 to 1991. From 1991 up to present it has been released under the editorship of poet Mansour Vekilov.

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