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суббота, октябрь 7, 2017

Быстрая реакция храбрых эстонских парней

aвтор: Serge-S ® политика

Помнится, в 2008м в Осетии грузины полностью контролировали переговоры русских по мобильникам. Десять лет прошло, и вот на тебе.



The strangest accounts from the Wall Street Journal piece involve people who were likely Russian agents approaching military personnel in public places and disclosing personal information that was presumably gleaned from their cell phones in an obvious intimidation tactic.

“Western officials said infiltrated cell phones could be used to create confusion on the battlefield and slow NATO’s response to an invasion by sending out false instructions. A compromised phone, they said, could even be used to pick up sensitive information if a soldier brought it into a military command post,” writes the New York Post, concisely summarizing the threat.

Mindful of these dangers, commanders in the affected NATO units took severe measures to control the smartphone problem. Some soldiers were instructed to pull the SIM cards from their phones, disable location services that could be used to track their positions, and restrict Internet use to designated safe areas. Estonian troops were instructed to jump in lakes while conducting operations to ensure they are not carrying potentially compromised cell phones. The Estonians responded by wrapping their cell phones in condoms to prevent water damage.



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