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суббота, ноябрь 4, 2006

The Giant Elf By Shiran

aвтор: mekhman ®
Dochka vchera napisala rasskaz. Prosila vystavit' na BP. Sorry chto na anglijskom. Perevesti net sil. :)

The Giant Elf By Shiran.

The giant elf, Bernard was a big, scary elf but he was also nice and funny so everyone thought of him as a friend and/or a bodyguard. Bernard looked like a hippie, he wore overalls and a tie, and he had a HUGE rainbow afro and flat ears. Bernard was also flower scented so he never had to take a shower. He also could fly, but how you ask, well he had no wings instead he just flapped his ears just like his father Dumbo did. Bernard just ate corn, corn corn corn, that’s all he ate all day long, and so did his 37-foot long velosaraptor Ben. Ben was frozen in a 73-foot long glacier for over 7,000,000,000 years and Bernard found him and melted him free. Bernard was 3,407,703,034,732 years old but he was very very strong but also only weighed 11 and a half pounds. Bernard was in the toy making business in Providence, Rhode Island. He was very satisfied with his job because he had lots of friends and was getting paid (by the Ocean Santa) much more then expected. But one day he got tired and decided to do something interesting so that every eastern state in the USA would notice him. And that’s exactly what he did. He took on big step over to Washington D.C. and put one hand around Washington D.C. and one hand around Boston and squeezed them and all the cities in between together and created one huge megalopolis which is now called Boswash. After his success he decided to do something even more eye-catching. He took one big leap to the middle/northern states in Humid America. Since he ate corn all day long he decided to spit out some corn seeds around these states, and that’s exactly what he did. Minuets after he hosed the seeds, corn was everywhere! He decided to call that place the Corn Belt and which now people still plant corn there. Now he got all of Humid America to notice him. But that was still not enough for him he wanted all the attention in America so he took a 1 second flight to California, the most populated state in America and decided to take his coworkers with him. There near Nevada on Highway 109 he and his coworkers started digging since the land was 1 mile above sea level and they thought it was to high, and suddenly an unexpected massacre happened and killed everyone there except for Bernard, so Bernard didn’t want to take any risks and left. The unfinished mile high lands are now mountains, and the area is called Death Valley because of the massacre. And now whenever someone goes there they bring pizza because legend says all Bernard’s coworkers got killed because one of them said they hated pizza and everyone but Bernard agreed. Well Bernard got all the attention he needed from America so he took a 50 second long trip to Giza, Egypt. There he was eating some bananas since he couldn’t find any corn and thought, maybe these pharos need proper burial chambers. So obviously he wanted more attention and took all 4,978,790 chewed up bananas, cubed them, and made big triangular towers, which are now called pyramids. Because of that experiment of his, he was talked about for millions of years in Africa. But that same year he thought well I am talked about many places in the world, right? So why not let the whole world know I exist. And later that week the newscaster in Egypt said that India is running low on water. So Bernard came up with a brilliant idea to make another ocean! So Bernard took one giant leap from Egypt to India and began working. Before he came over to India he made a giant straw starting at the Atlantic Ocean stretching out all the way to India. Well he took the straw and filled his cheeks with trillions and trillions of gallons of water the he turned around and sprayed water all over the large island Atlantis. That became the Indian Ocean. But what happened to Atlantis you ask? Atlantis became an under water museum to the sea creatures and inside they could explore the wonders of human life. Bernard was once again satisfied and also amused with what he had done. 7,000,000 years later Bernard passed away and Ben took his spot in the family business, being a role model to the whole world.

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