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вторник, октябрь 28, 2008

Cheer for Baku at 4th Annual Houston Sister Cities Soccer Tournament

aвтор: Biochem ®
Come and cheer for the HBSCA Soccer Team who will be playing at the 4th Annual Houston Sister Cities Soccer Tournament which takes place in Memorial Park Soccer Field of Houston, TX on Saturdays, November 1 and 8, 2008. Six teams from Houston's international sister cities are competing against each other.

Some regulations:

- Games will consist of two halves 30 min each with 10 min break between them.

- Final will consist of two halves 45 min each with 15 min break.

- In case of equal points teams will be placed in group based on priorities:

1. Goals scored

2. Goal leverage

3. Penalty kicks

For more info, location and game times see the uploaded flier.
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