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воскресенье, сентябрь 2, 2007


aвтор: Biochem ®
Set your calendars for September 8th and 9th! The Turkic Cultures and Children's Festival - 2007 will be held in Houston, in front of City Hall at Hermann Square from 1 pm-10 pm. City Hall is in downtown, intersection of Bagby and Walker, Hermann Square is just across it, it was previously called Tranquility Park. The map and directions you can get at http://maps.google.com/.

Its program includes displays, artworks, craftworks, books, music, Turkic food, children's areas, folk dance, theater, parade, and evening concert. For the first time it brings to Houston a festival highlighting the many different heritages shared by Turkic peoples - stretching from as far west as Bosnia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan to as far east as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Houston-Baku Sister City Association, one of the festival sponsors, is currently arranging visits to Houston of Kamran Hesenli, an Azeri singer.
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