17 июнь
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среда, июнь 1, 2005

Miss Universe 2005

aвтор: misslily ®
Natalie Glebova of Toronto wins the Miss Universe contest in Thailand Tue May 31, 1:03 AM ET

BANGKOK, Thailand (CP) - Blue-eyed Canadian brunette Natalie Glebova was crowned Miss Universe 2005 in the Thai capital Tuesday in the 54th annual pageant.

The 23-year-old model from Toronto was chosen from five finalists - the four others from Latin America - who were selected to answer random questions onstage in the final round of the competition. The 12-judge panel chose beauties from Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Canada for the final round.

Glebova was picked over runner-up Cynthia Olavarria of Puerto Rico after answering a final question about what she considered the biggest challenge of her life.

The 23-year-old model from Toronto was chosen from five finalists - the four others from Latin America - who were selected to answer random questions onstage in the final round of the competition. The 12-judge panel chose beauties from Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Canada for the final round.

Glebova was picked over runner-up Cynthia Olavarria of Puerto Rico after answering a final question about what she considered the biggest challenge of her life.
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