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суббота, декабрь 9, 2006

IREX seeks qualified American experts and alumni of US government prog

aвтор: Kamran-Bakinez ®

About IREX:
The International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) is an international nonprofit organization providing leadership and innovative programs to improve the quality of education, strengthen independent media and foster pluralistic civil society development.

Founded in 1968, IREX has an annual portfolio of $50 million and a staff of over 500 professionals worldwide. IREX and its partner IREX Europe deliver cross-cutting programs and consulting expertise in more than 50 countries.

Summary of Position:
IREX seeks qualified American experts and alumni of US government programs to serve as interview committee members for IREX administered international student exchange programs (the Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship and Eurasian Undergraduate Exchange Programs). The consultants will take part in the selection process by interviewing, scoring and ranking applicants in the semi-finalist stage.

IREX will provide a small honorarium to interview committee members.

Qualifications the successful candidates should possess:

* US citizenship or status as an alumnus/a of a US government exchange

* Expertise in or experience working with students and/or scholars from Eurasia,
Europe, the Near East, or Asia

* Experience working with at least one of the following: universities,
non-governmental organizations, think tanks, international development agencies, governmental agencies, and/or private sector

* Fluency in English

* Full-time availability for up to 1 week during the period of February 1 to February 24, 2007.

This position may involve travel.

Please submit a resume by December 30, 2006 to:

Mr. Nicholas Detsch at nicholas@irex.az and copy to fareed@irex.az
IREX-Azerbaijan, 183 Suleyman Rahimov Street, Baku, AZ 1014, Azerbaijan. Tel: (+994 12) 493-35-27

IREX will contact qualified applicants with further details in mid-January 2007.
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