02 июнь
Женька и Ждун
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среда, май 8, 2002

News digest


Aliyev to meet with foreign businessmen

President Aliyev is scheduled to meet with foreign businessmen at the Presidential Palace of Baku on May 14, the presidential administration reported Saturday. The President will discuss development of entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan, problems with attraction of investments, regulation of relations between foreign investors and authorities, etc.

Foreign businessmen willing to take part in the meeting can apply to the Ministry of Economic Development (Baku, 370066, 23 Niyazi St) in writing. Contact phones are 92-92-34, 92-92-35 and the fax is 92-58-95.

World Child Summit due in New-York

The annual meeting of the World Child Summit will be held in New York on May 8-10, the UNICEF Baku Office said Monday. Representing Azerbaijan in the gathering will be chairman of the permanent parliamentary commission on social policy Hadi Rajabli, member of the commission Gular Ahmadova, vice-premier, chairman of the "Vatan" society Elchin Afandiyev and chairman of the National Council of Youth Organizations in Azerbaijan Akram Abdullayev. Representatives from Azeri Foreign Ministry are also expected to attend.

Macedonia, Yugoslavia intend to join BSECO

The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSECO), which has a membership of 11 states, is expected to branch out, as Macedonia and Yugoslavia have voiced their intention join the organization, deputy chairman of the Department of the Economic Cooperation and Development of the Foreign Ministry Fikrat Pashayev has told journalists.

According to him, a meeting of the Council of the BSECO Foreign Ministers will consider the issue.

Azeri, Ukrainian ballet to perform Swan Lake

The Swan Lake ballet by Chaykovskiy will be staged at the Azerbaijan State Opera and Ballet Theater on May 11. Ukrainian people's artists Alexander Datsishin and Tatyana Borovik will perform in the play together with Azeri artists.

Film on Maestro Niyazi

"Azertelefilm" has started shooting a documentary on the composer and conductor Niyazi. The director of the movie portraying the life and creative activities of the maestro is Elchin Guliyev and the story is by Kamil Shahverdiyev. The film is being shot at the House Museum of the great conductor, the Opera and Ballet Theater and the Protestant Church in Baku, where the maestro's friends and colleagues share their recollections about Niyazi.

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