02 июнь
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среда, май 8, 2002

Azerbaijan’s CE commitments discussed

aвтор: By Saba Agayeva Azernews Staff

Azeri foreign minister Vilayat Guliyev, taking part in the 110th meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Council of Europe, discussed the implementation of the country’s commitments to the CE with its general secretary Walter Schwimmer in Vilnuis Friday. The two also focused on the activities of monitoring groups and CE role in settlement of the Garabagh conflict. The Foreign Ministry has not provided any information on the meeting.

The CE secretary said his scheduled visit to Baku was still on agenda and it would be paid this year.

V. Guliyev indicated Azerbaijan was paying special attention to cooperation with the CE and intended to develop and deepen ties with it.


In his Friday’s address in the 110th meeting of the MC CE, the Azeri minister, elaborating on the menace terrorism and aggressive separatism are posing for people and nations, stated the Garabagh conflict is a threat for not just the Caucasus, but also the whole of Europe.


In Vilnuis, Azeri foreign minister held a number of meetings with his CE counterparts.

Lithuanian foreign minister, acting MC CE chairman Antanas Valionis, said he was satisfied with relations between Azerbaijan and the CE and pointed out the necessity of further deepening cooperation between Azerbaijan and Lithuania within the PA CE framework.

Mr. Guliyev spoke of the improvement of legislative base in Azerbaijan after its admission to the CE, human rights, democratic processes, etc.

Other meetings were with state secretary of the Swiss Confederation Franc van Deniken, foreign minister of Luxembourg, which will preside the MC CE for the next six months, Lydia Palfer and chairman of the UN Human Rights Mary Robinson.

The Azeri foreign minister also met with Azeri communities living in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

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