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среда, май 1, 2002



Garadagh Cement spends AZM1.4bn to protect the environment

The privatization of the Garadagh Cement plant by Swiss Holcim has changed things for the better, as a new reconstruction program was launched and novel technologies were introduced. As a result, discharge of hazardous substances into the atmosphere has significantly reduced, chief of the company's information and analytic center Isgandar Sardarli told journalists.

Four new electrical purification filters have been installed since 1999 to cut production wastes and purify them. For the first time gas analyzers in all furnaces and new electrical filters in mills were mounted. The work took AZM1.475 million to spend.

According to I. Saradarli, Garadagh Cement will expand activities to protect the environment.

OSCE to hold ecology forum in Prague

The OSCE is expected to hold an ecological forum in Prague on May 28-31. The agenda of the forum is still to be defined, but ecological problems, joining existing international conventions and issues mulled in the recent pre-forum workshop in Baku will reportedly be in focus.

Azerbaijan is expected to raise the problem of potable water. 75% of the water stock of the rivers Kur and Araz is accumulated in Georgia and Armenia and Azerbaijan needs investments to purify the rivers, according to Foreign Ministry official Fikrat Pashayev.

The Azeri delegation to the forum will consist of MPs and representatives from the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry for Ecology and Natural Resources.

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