08 июнь
© Rosish
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суббота, декабрь 15, 2001

Laws to honor int’l conventions in the Caspian proposed


The first international legal seminar on the problems of the Caspian, underway in Baku this week with the top representatives of the three ecological conventions, CITES, ESPO and AARHUS, stressed the necessity of approving national regulations in the Caspian nations to honor the ratified conventions. This would, in addition to adoption of international conventions, fortify the legislation bases of these countries.

The lack of mechanisms to restrict imports, quotas and common database on the status of the Caspian environment handicaps the coastal nations to execute the commitments stemming from the conventions, Russian, Azeri and Kazakh representatives underscored at the seminar.

The establishment of national legislation would better the situation, participants of the seminar organized by the Caspian Ecological Program stressed.*

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