02 июнь
Женька и Ждун
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пятница, сентябрь 7, 2001

President receives major Turkish holding delegation


President Aliyev received a delegation of Turkish “Dogan Holding” led by the director of the group Aydin Dogan Friday. Also within the delegation are leaders of Turkey’s major mass media, general director of “Petrol ofisi” joint stock company Ertogrul Tuncer and a member of the “Turk Bank” Board of Directors Tayfur Bayazit.

The Azeri President told the delegation that familiarization with Azerbaijan, its problems and people would help the holding to compile accurate information on the country. Speaking about the thriving bilateral relations and close contacts between business sectors of the two countries, the President emphasized that it was even more important that Azerbaijan be seen by Turkish media representatives.

President Aliyev then briefed the guests on the road Azerbaijan has covered since it was annexed to Russia and the changes ongoing in the country at the present time, including the recent switch for Latin script. He mentioned about the criticism the move had drawn from opposition parties, which claim that it was intended to suffocate opposition-minded newspapers as most of the population cannot read Latin. However, time has proven such allegations wrong, the President said and added that the switch for Latin script in 1920 was also quite smooth. A new independent press is taking shape in Azerbaijan and the country needs Turkish experience, President Aliyev said.

After the meeting, Mr. Dogan was awarded an honorary doctor’s diploma in a ceremony at Baku State University.

* * *

Will Dogan Holding invest in Azeri oil?

The visit by an influential Turkish businessman to Azerbaijan could not have passed unnoticed by the public with many trying to figure out the motives being pursued.

Although the delegation includes chief editors of Turkey’s biggest newspapers “Hurriyyet” and “Milliyyet”, which are parts of the holding, it is highly unlikely that the objective is to establish cooperation with Azeri media, as in that case it would not be logical for Mr. Dogan to come in person.

As is known, “Dogan Holding” in cooperation with its companion “Is Bankasi” took over the state-owned firm “Petrol Ofisi”. Observers think Mr. Dogan intends to explore for opportunities of investing in some industries, including the oil sector.*

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