05 май
Женька и Ждун
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среда, май 2, 2001

Power engineering specialist perpetuated


A bronze bas-relief of the late power engineering specialist Chingiz Juvarli was opened Wednesday outside the Institute of Physics of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences. First deputy director of the Institute B. Tagiyev, academician T. Aliyev and others spoke of the road the scientist has covered and his contribution to the upbringing of a generation of scientists and engineers.

They speakers commended the work of the bas-relief authors – S. Zakir and A. Asgarov. The academician’s son expressed his gratitude to the initiators of the idea to perpetuate his father.

A memorial plate was then opened outside Juvarli’s office and presentation of the book, “Basic theory of electrical circuits”, by academician Juvarli and his students Pashayev and Gashimov, held.*

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