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пятница, апрель 6, 2001

Iranian Turkologist shares discoveries with Azeri scholars


A renowned Turkologist from Iran Hussein Sadig-Duzgun has visited Baku to deliver lectures at a number of Azerbaijan’s science centers. His lectures largely concerned three literary and historical discoveries he had made.

The first one concerned the so-called Persian-origin Azeri language. Dr. Duzgun claims that such a language has never existed, while those saying the contrary try to prove that Azerbaijanis were once settled to their present homeland.

The second discovery is the 300-page work by Sheik Safiyaddin Ardebil “Mejmue mountain”, written in Azeri Turkic in the late 15th century. The book, compared in value to “Kitabi Dada Gorgud”, will be published both in Iran and Azerbaijan.

Dr. Duzgun regards his find of the collection of works by Azeri 15-16th century poet Beyrek Gushchuoglu as his third discovery.

Hussein Sadig-Duzgun, fluent in 5 languages, was born in Tabriz in 1945, received his doctoral title from ancient Turkic philology faculty of Istanbul University in 1983 and is author of 110 books. The last 2 discoveries, which Dr. Duzgun shared during a visit to Azerbaijan, had not been known to the scientific world. While in Baku, he was also conferred the title of honorary professor of the Institute of Literature and elected as member of the Union of Writers of Azerbaijan.

On an agreement with Baku State University, Dr. Duzgun will be teaching “Ancient Avesta” at the University’s philological department.*

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