01 июнь
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четверг, декабрь 6, 2007

Group of cross-border drug traffickers nabbed


Azerbaijani law enforcers have detained several members of a criminal group engaged in smuggling drugs from Iran to Azerbaijan, in another such incident in the past months.

The outlaws - two Iranian and five Azerbaijani nationals – were nabbed in an operation carried out by the National Security Ministry.

In addition to over 5 kg of heroin, large quantities of weaponry were impounded from the criminals, including a sub-machine gun, bullets and rounds.

Investigators have ascertained that Iranian citizen Latif Mehriban, who had been wanted by the law enforcement agencies for a long time, smuggled 25 kg of heroin and 77 kg of other types of strong narcotics to Azerbaijan in 2004-2007 with the aid of the criminal group set up to carry out the illegal activities. The law enforcers succeeded in impounding these drugs as well.

37 members of the gang were arrested earlier, including 30 citizens of Azerbaijan, six of Iran and one of Georgia.*

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