17 июнь
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четверг, декабрь 6, 2007

Bakcell supports display of disabled youths’ creativity


The Lotos center working to address problems of the disabled held an exhibition-sale of creative works by teenagers and young people with limited abilities on December 3-4 with the support of Azerbaijan’s cellular operator Bakcell and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

The exhibition at the Children’s World Gallery named after Tofig Ismayilov, dedicated to the International Day of Disabled Persons, demonstrated the abilities and versatile interests of youngsters, as well as their desire of being useful to society. It aimed to promote self-expression of the disabled teenagers and youths and draw attention of the public to their creative and artistic potential, as well as to build confidence of the disabled youths in their abilities and facilitate their contribution to social life.

The show featured paintings, pictures, photos, handicrafts, and different types of needlework. All the participants were presented diplomas and keepsakes in conclusion.

According to the October 14, 1992 declaration of the UN General Assembly, December 3 is marked all over the world as the International Day of Disabled Persons. The new document – the convention on protecting the rights and dignity of handicapped persons – has been drafted to replace the standard rules on granting equal opportunities to the disabled that were endorsed in 1993.*

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© Leshinski