02 июнь
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пятница, октябрь 12, 2007

Bird flu prevention to be stepped up in southern region


A new laboratory has been commissioned in Azerbaijan’s southern Lankaran District within a project on strengthening of preventive measures against the “bird flu”.

The key goal of the $85,368 project implemented as part of the Japanese government’s Grassroots and Human Security Grant Assistance Program is to prevent the bird flue and other epidemics in the region and make a diagnosis of such diseases in time.

The Japanese government has allocated $500,000 as a grant for reconstruction of veterinary and anti-plague stations in six regions of Azerbaijan.

The Grassroots and Human Security Grant Assistance Program covers small projects implemented by municipalities, medical and academic institutions and NGOs with a view to improving the living standards of the Azerbaijani people.

So far, 96 projects worth over 6 million have been implemented in Azerbaijan within the Program that was launched in 2000.*

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