02 июнь
Картины на стене в Малаге
© violine
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пятница, октябрь 22, 2004

8-year-old artist's world of colors


8-year-old artist's world of colors

Nazrin Mammadova, 8, is distinguished with her inborn talent among many children of the same age. Nazrin got interested in painting when she was only three. The young artist has presented two personal exhibitions over the last five years. I became acquainted with Nazrin in the opening ceremony of her second exhibition at the Center of Miniature Arts in Icheri Sheher (Old City) last week.

Nazrin is in the 3rd grade at secondary school No.134 and has been taught art by Tatyana Kesar for two years at the Children's Art Palace after Tofig Ismayilov.

Nazrin, who drew for the first time the picture of her toy dog, later became interested in more interesting topics. Her interest in such different contemporary subjects as "Mugham. Alim Gasimov", "A town in the desert", "The Azykh cave", "Me and my rights", "The architecture of Azerbaijan", "Children are born in heaven", "An quarrel between parents" and "Divorce" shows that the little artist will take her own unique place in arts in the future. This is evident from a number of diplomas she has been awarded.

Nazrin has exhibited her works and participated in various national and international competitions since 2001.

"A contest of paintings and posters, ‘Leave no child behind’, held among schoolchildren aged between 6 and 17 by the Ministry of Education, the British embassy in Baku and UNICEF in 2003, is one of my unforgettable successes," the little artist says.

Nazrin, who amazed everyone with her original works, was announced the top prize winner of the contest. Former British ambassador to Azerbaijan Andrew Tucker personally conferred to the girl the Grand Prix award.

Talent is known to be an inborn gift. Although Nazrin was not born in an artist's family, she has proven her talent with wonderful art works. Azerbaijan has brought up a number of world-famous artists and, possibly she will become one of their successors in the future.

The little artist is now considering painting a portrait of her grandmother, who loves her dearly.

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