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пятница, июль 9, 2004

Unknown carpets are sold as local products


A roundtable dedicated to the status of carpet weaving in the country was held at the Baku Business Center on Friday. The event was organized by the Union of Merchants and Producers (UMP).

Addressing the roundtable, UMP chairman Sevgim Rahmanov said that unknown carpets imported from a number of countries, in particular, from Iran are sold in Azerbaijan. He noted that this was caused by an inefficient state control over the import of carpets.

Then speaking Kamil Aliyev, chairman of the Azerkhalcha Scientific Creativity and Production Association, said that some state programs encompassed the development of carpet weaving in the country and that about $500,000 had been allocated from the state budget for the purpose.

Aliyev underlined that artificial carpets imported from a number of foreign countries are sold in Azerbaijan as local products.

At the end, the participants in the roundtable adopted an appeal to relevant governmental bodies to toughen the import and export of carpets in the country.*

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