02 июнь
© Leshinski
Все записи | Культура
среда, февраль 11, 2004

Days of Azeri culture to be held in Athens


The Azerbaijan National Cultural Olympic Committee (ANCOC) newly founded with support from the Greek embassy in Baku held a meeting at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Wednesday.

Greek Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mercourios Karafotias said that preparations for the 28th Summer Olympics to be held in Athens, Greece in 2004 are underway in different world countries.

Stressing that the Cultural Olympics will also be organized jointly with Sports, Karafotias noted that cultures of all the nations would be represented at the event.

Then speaking ANCOC President Mehriban Aliyeva underlined that the committee would develop a special program to bring rich Azerbaijani culture and arts into the world countries’ notice. She also stated that the days of the Azerbaijani culture, which would comprise exhibitions of Azerbaijani artists, national music parties, carpet exhibitions and presentation of national cuisine, would be held on the eve of the Olympic Games.

At the end of the meeting, compositions by Azerbaijani and Greek composers like Gara Garayev, Tofig Guliyev and Azer Rzayev, as well as Tluk, Monos Hatzidakis and Bugo-Dukuda were performed.*

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