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четверг, февраль 19, 2009

The seminars

aвтор: isk_Sabina ®
1. A seminar devoted to tragic events of Azerbaijani history dated back to January 1990 and February 1992 will be held in Edmonton, 15450 - 105 Av on February 2008 - 2pm. Vizit www.alacs.biz for more info.

2. The Azerbaijani Community of Ottawa in cooperation with the Embassy of Republic of Azerbaijan presents:

“Khojaly Massacre: Crime and No Punishment”

American Journalist and Professor Thomas Goltz shares his experience in reporting from conflict zones in the South Caucasus – Azerbaijan and Georgia, with the focus on the event of February 26, 1992 in the Azerbaijani town of Khojaly.

Thomas Goltz is an adjunct professor of Political Science at Montana State University, Bozeman in the U.S. He has been reporting from the South Caucasus since the collapse of the Soviet Union in late 1991. Mr. Goltz is the author of trilogy of diaries - Azerbaijan Diary, a must read book about the contemporary history of Azerbaijan, Chechnya Diary, and Georgia Diary.

This event will also feature a documentary about the tragedy of 1992 in Khojaly.

March 2, 2009 at 7 PM

National Library and Archives Canada


395 Wellington Street, Ottawa

RSVP to AzeriCanadians@gmail.com
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